Tag: giving
Cost of living: Why more Australians are giving up their pets
The researchers recruited respondents by distributing the link to their survey on webpages for dog owners and on social media. Study participants recruited in this way were mostly females (93%) between 18 and 73 years of age. Despite all the benefits, it’s important to remember that a pet is not a miracle cure for mental health issues. Owning a pet is beneficial and comforting only for those who love and appreciate domestic animals and have the time and money to keep a pet happy and healthy. If you’re simply not an “animal person,” pet ownership is not going to provide you with any health benefits or improve your life. Pets have a considerable environmental impact, especially in countries where they are common or held in high densities.
It’s only recently that studies have begun to scientifically explore the benefits of the human-animal bond. Unfortunately, conducting long-term randomized trials to settle …
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